
Thursday 13 June 2019

A pigeon pair

Earl & Mabel our resident pigeons 

"A pigeon pair" how many times did you hear that said when you were growing up?  Certainly it was a phrase that was used a lot in my own family. For years I didn't know what was meant by it. There was a time when a family friend was having a baby, a little brother or sister to her first child a boy. When her second baby arrived and was a girl my mother announced 'oh a pigeon pair how lovely'.  It was at this point I asked the question as to why people always said that if someone had one of each they called it a pigeon pair.  My mother told me that in folk law pigeons tend to lay two eggs at a time which would go on to produce a male and female chick hence the saying 'pigeon pair'. Well it made perfect sense but I have no idea whether this is true or not I suppose I would have to ask a pigeon fancier to get the answer to that particular question. 

I recently received news that a friend was to become a grandmother for the first time when her daughter announced that she was pregnant with her first baby.  As you can imagine this brought great excitement and much debate as to whether they would find out the sex of the baby.  The day came when she was going for her 12 week scan and my friend sat eagerly by the phone waiting to hear news that everything was as it should be.  The call finally came and her daughter announced that she was not having just one baby but two.  Twins how wonderful and the first in the family as far as they knew.  The weeks ticked by and as she was having twins a close eye was being kept on her pregnancy.  It was at a scan to check on how the babies were doing that they found out they are having a boy and a girl.  Their own pigeon pair.  They were immediately nicknamed Janet & John in the office. For those of us old enough to remember they were the set of books that you first learnt to read at school back in the day.  Janet & John were also made famous by the great late Sir Terry Wogan when he read the alternative Janet & John stories on his radio show. If you've never heard these you can still find them on You tube, just a warning you'll need tissues as they will have you in tears of laughter.  

With some twins being delivered early (they've already said no later than 38 weeks),  I set about getting their blankets made whilst grandma got on with knitting lots of first size outfits.  

Two solid granny square snuggle blankets were soon underway:  

Pretty in pink for 'Janet'

Mr Blue Sky for 'John'

They are made to the same pattern as the Que Sera Sera blanket I've posted previously and you can find the details of the pattern here average cost for the wool to make a snuggle blanket is £14 or approximately $18

and the details of the colours used for all three versions of the blanket  here .

The babies are due imminently so I am pleased that I have been able to get them both finished and ready to gift at her baby shower.  And I think its safe to say when they do arrive that they won't be named Janet and John, not that these are not good solid names but not those that seem to be on the short list at the moment.

If you're in the UK and have been experiencing the awful weather then I hope you are all safe and warm.  Our garden looks a little like a water table at the moment, but I'm sure the plants are appreciating a good watering.  There are those that have been a bit battered so I hope they will perk back up once the wind dies down.

But seriously this rain needs to stop,  I will be visiting Gardeners World Live and the Good Food Show at the NEC in Birmingham on Friday if the rain doesn't stop  then wellies and a big umbrella it is. There's always  lots of coffee drinking to be had and sampling of the wares or dodging the rain drops to be able to get around the gardens.  Either way I'm sure a good time will be had and you never know I may bump into Monty and the team in the tea tent.

Hope you have a good weekend whatever you are up to. 



  1. How delightful about the twins and a good reason to do some crocheting! I remember Janet and John; though not with good memories ( I was a very slow reader and I was still learning to read Janet and John when I was 9! ) The weather here is still very wet and quite cold too. I prefer cooler weather, but it's getting a bit much now LOL. My garden isn't complaining though. Have a lovely day at the NEC and I hope the weather brightens up for you. Best, Jane x

    1. It certainly has been and they are such lovely easy blankets to make and I'm all for sharing things I have learnt and that can be of benefit of others. I look at other blankets with lots of intricate detail and it just blows my mind.... I didn't enjoy school either and was a slow reader which is interesting as I always loved reading books and still do sometimes I think we were made to read books that didn't hold our interest and therefore I switched off. It definitely takes me longer to read a non-fiction book than it does to read fiction even though I am interested in the content. My garden will have benefited from all the rain but thankfully it does seem to have stopped for the time being. It doesn't have to be brilliant sunshine tomorrow but I would prefer it not to be raining if at all possible. The forecast is saying cloudy with some showers so I'm hoping that the showers will be over night or late evening when I'll be tucked up back home in my jim jams.


  2. That's a very interesting tale Mitzi, I can't say that I've heard that one. I have however heard of Terry Wogan's telling of Janet & John and how funny they are too! I've bought a book for my husband and a few of the CD stories over the years.
    Your blankets are lovely, they really do look great. I'm sure they will be loved and treasured, especially as they'll have one each. I say that as I'm reminded of my MIL, who is a twin herself, she told me that she and her sister would be given a present for Christmas - 'a' present - as in one!
    It was a recorder.
    How can 2 girls practice their recorder playing skills with just one recorder!
    Thankfully times have changed. Cathy x

    1. Another friend has twin boys and she always makes sure she buys them their own clothes and doesn’t buy them things the same as she says they have very different tastes. A friend of my sons has a birthday on Christmas Day and growing up he said he always got one present to cover both Christmas and his birthday from family members. And no 2 little girls can’t learn to play one recorder different if one had gotten the recorder and the other another instrument so they could swap over if they wanted to. Different times🤔

  3. I've never heard of a pigeon pair but I do remember Janet and John. How lovely, twins, and one of each too. Eleanor had a friend at school who had a twin brother and they had older twin brother and sister too, imagine that, two sets of twins. I'm sure the mum to be will love the blankets you've made.

    1. It was a saying I heard a lot growing up I just didn’t know the meaning behind it and what mum told me did make perfect sense I just don’t know how accurate it is or whether it’s just folk law😊 the blankets are now with grandma to take to the baby shower and she says she’s going to record her opening them and then send me the video so fingers crossed she likes them.


  4. I've never heard that phrase before but I love little old fashioned sayings. The blankets are gorgeous and am sure will be well received. We too have had enough rain now and could do with some lovely long hot summer days. At least all the reservoirs will be full. There's never two years the same in this country is there.

    1. Half the time I used to think my mum had made the sayings up but then I'd hear some one else say it and think ok may be she didn't. I then get to thinking where did that first originate from was my little mum the first one to say it, probably not.... Its been overcast today with the odd spot of rain so flaming June isn't quite here yet is it and no every year seems to be different. In fact we had a week in February that was better than the weather we are having at the moment. It's like the worlds gone crazy when it comes to the weather. Still at least we are not like poor people in Wainfleet who have had to be evacuated from their homes because of flooding.


  5. Beautiful blankets!! Love the colors and how you made them! Wishing happiness for the parents and babies! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you Angela very exciting times a head for them i’m sure.


  6. must be a very quick crocheter! x

    1. Thank you they do work up pretty quick fortunately for me.



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