
Monday 28 October 2019

A wet & windy afternoon

What else do you do on a wet and windy afternoon in October but snuggle up on the sofa with your knitting and one of your favourite films. 

The Calendar girls is based on the true story of a group of WI ladies from Yorkshire who take it upon themselves to create a calendar in order to raise funds to buy a new sofa for the relatives room of their local hospital.  This was not just any old WI calendar this was a very tastefully created calendar where the participants, all members of the local WI, stripped off against cancer. Annie had recently lost her husband to Leukaemia and wanted to do something to help the relatives of those supporting their loved one.  Little did they know that this small gesture would go viral, as the kids would say these days. The story of the Calendar girls is now known far and wide and is now a successful musical with music by Gary Barlow based on the book by Tim Firth and I had the great pleasure to go and see with my daughter in London two years ago. It is currently on tour and if it comes to a theatre near you  I would highly recommend you see it.   

Of course one of the famous scenes of the film is when Chris, played by Helen Mirren enters a Marks & Spencers Victoria Sponge in a local show because she says that Annie, played by Julie Walters won't have had time to bake one in between taking Yul Brynner, as she affectionately refers to Annie's husband, to his hospital appointments. 

Not only does she go on and win the May Wilkinson award but also the WI discretionary award. 

When asked her secret she say's that she follows her mothers method of baking by lining the bowl with butter, use a warm spoon and if for a special event then you go and buy one from Marks & Spencers. 

I have not bought this one from Marks & Spencers this is all my own work. And if you would like to have ago then you will need. 

200g butter
200g caster sugar
200g self raising flour
1 tsp of baking powder
a pinch of salt
and four eggs that collectively weigh approx 200g
and a raspberry jam for the filing

  • pre heat the oven to 180C/Gas mark 4
  • grease two 20cm sandwich tins and put to one side
  • cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl until creamy. 
  • add the eggs one at a time. I usually break them into a separate bowl and add rather than putting straight into the mixture just in case you get a bad egg. 
  • add the pinch of salt and tea spoon of baking powder
  • fold in the self raising flour with a metal spoon in order to keep the sponge light and airy
  • divide the mixture equally between the two tins 
  • bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.
  • Turn out onto a wire rack until cooled.
  • Once cold decide which you are going to use for the top and which for the bottom. 
  • Settle on a plate or cake board and add the filling of raspberry jam, usually about half a jar from a make of your choice.
  • Finish off with a sprinkling of icing sugar if you so wish. 

Then there is only one other thing to do and that is to pop the kettle on for a cup of tea and cut yourself a generous slice, sit back and enjoy.


"The flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has its own beauty, but the last phase is always the most glorious. Then very quickly they all go to seed."

"Which makes it ironic my favourite flower isn't even indigenous to the British Isles, let alone Yorkshire. I don't think there's anything on this planet that more trumpets life that the sunflower. For me that's because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that's such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life."


  1. Ohhh I have this feel too! I love it. The weather here has actually been very pleasant over the weekend and today. It was quite cold and frosty this morning, but lovely and warm in the sunshine. Best, Jane x

    1. Sorry, that should have said 'I have this film too!' oops

    2. We had the first frost of the season yesterday Jane and my was it cold and a shock to the system to have to be defrosting the car already. I have several go to films for occasions such as these but it was when I made the Victoria Sponge that I suddenly thought its a Calendar Girls sort of afternoon and Yes I laughed and cried in equal measure.


  2. What a beautiful entry! Calendar Girls is going into my to-watch list right now, it sounds right up my alley, thanks for the recommendation & review. And you won't believe this, but for a couple of months now I've been wanting to bake a nice English spongecake with jam in the middle... and here you are with a recipe! I'm saving your blog post so I can refer back to it for the recipe :) have a nice week

    1. I always aim to please Robin. All the recipes I share are stored under the Food Glorious Food section of my blog as even I refer to them at times if I'm in the supermarket and can't remember what I need. I hope you get to watch the film and love it as much as I do.


  3. The cake looks most delicious and not at all like one of those flat M&S cakes. I'd eat a slice or two.

  4. Oh, now you've got me wanting Victoria sponge but I must resist, I'm trying to shed a few pounds. It looks delicious. I've just been catching up on your posts, I didn't know there was a sequel to PS I Love You. I can't even remember if I've read that book, I think I have but it's the film which is firmly set in my mind. Your cross stitches are fabulous, it must take a lot of work to do such a large piece.

    1. Sorry for the delay in replying I've had Freddie staying for the weekend and its been full on grandma mode but I enjoyed every second of it. I made another Victoria Sponge when they came to stay and my son asked tongue in cheek which shop did you buy this cake from then mum to which I replied Marks & Spencers of course:-)
      The sequel to PS I love you was only released in September. There were a few promotional things going on earlier in the year but nothing when it came to the publication day. It was very good and I really enjoyed it. The film of PS I love you is not set out the same as the book and I thought the book was better as it is set in Ireland with all the Irish humour and charm. The cross stitches are three separate pieces but when it came to framing them I thought they would look better as a triptych rather stand a lone and they do look impressive up on the wall.


  5. You have a lovely blog I will be back to read more. I need all the help I can get with my knitting and I notice you have lots here on your site - I keep trying to make things for the grandchildren now so it is nice to see things that have been made and turned out well. Victoria sponge cakes - nothing beats them!

    1. Thank you . My aim is to put as many hints & tips on here as I go but sometimes time just gets away from me. If there is something you are particularly in need of help with please leave me a message here of DM through facebook and if I can help it will spur me on to either write a post or put something on my hints & tips page for knitting. I am aiming to put some hints up with regards to picking up stitches on bootees as people seem to struggle with this and also to write up some helpful information on cabling as it really isn't as difficult as it looks all about where to place the stitches you pick up onto the cable needle and once you get the hang of that there will be no stopping you. Some of my patterns are quite old as I've had them since my own children were small but I do have some that are still available to order and now my grandson is a little bigger and the weather is turning I intend to make him a few more things to keep him warm in the winter months. Thank you for visiting and glad you found it of interesting reading and with a bit of help thrown in. Love the name of your blog and I will put you in my reading list to follow to see where your journey takes you.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.