
Sunday 17 November 2019

Carrot & Coriander Soup

It has been so cold and wet here in the UK over the past weeks and for some they have had to endure leaving their homes due to flooding. I hope if you have been affected by adverse weather that you are somewhere safe & warm. 

At this time of year there is nothing better than a goody heart soup to keep out the cold.  I can become a little obsessive with my soup making and have quite number of soups that I make but one of my favourites is most definitely carrot and coriander.   Nine times out of 10 I will have carrots lurking in the veg rack and natural yogurt in the fridge and there is always ground coriander in the spice rack so the only thing I usually have to pick up from the supermarket is fresh coriander but don't worry if you can't get fresh as you can just add an extra tsp of the ground coriander instead.

I make enough to feed four, I still can't manage to reduce numbers since my older children left home, but that's all right because whatever I have left I take to work for my lunch.

To have ago at making carrot and coriander soup you will need

4 tablespoons of butter
450g approximately 4-5 large carrots sliced 
1 large onion diced
1 tsp of ground coriander (2 if you haven't got fresh coriander
2  pints or 1.2 liters of vegetable stock
small pot of natural yogurt (usually around 150g)
salt & freshly ground black pepper for seasoning
2-3 tablespoons of fresh chopped coriander
a little grated fresh nutmeg (optional)

  • To start with melt the butter in a large saucepan and add the onion and allow to sweat off for a few minutes.
  • As the onions start to turn translucent add the carrots 
  • Cover and continue to cook until the carrots are starting to soften. 
  • Add the ground coriander and cook for 1 minute. 
  • Pour in the stock and bring to the boil then lower the heat and simmer for approximately 20 minutes until the carrots are soft and tender. 
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of fresh chopped coriander, you can use the stalks as well as the leaves.
  • Remove from the stove and allow to cool slightly before using a blender to puree and until smooth.
  • Return to the rinsed pan and  warm through but not boil
  • Remove from the heat and stir in the yogurt just before serving so that it doesn't split.
  • Season to taste

it is at this point that you can add a little freshly ground nutmeg and a little more fresh coriander to garnish if you so choose.

All you need now is a big chunk of  freshly baked bread and if you have the time to have a go at making home made bread to go with it you can find out how to make a basic white loaf here.

Otherwise just tuck in and enjoy.



  1. Delicious, and your homemade bread looks tasty too. X

    1. Thank you Jules on nights like this it can really hit the spot.


  2. Oh, this post made me smile! You will not believe this, but I've been making carrot soup non-stop lately too: it's just the perfect autumn dinner isn't it? I liked seeing the variations in our recipes (for example I use olive oil instead of butter, and potatoes instead of yogurt) and I agree with the bread recommendation: you can't have soup without bread! Enjoy your warm meal, I hope that you weren't affected by the floods and that the weather calms down over in England xx Robin

    1. Its not been too bad today Robin although it has still been raining on and off. The problem is that it hasn't stopped long enough for the flooding that has occurred to subside before the next deluge of rain. We've not been flooded but some of the roads home from the office has been impassable and I've had to find alternative routes to get home which has added a fare bit of time on the journey. So to me there is nothing better than having home made soup ready and waiting to be heated up when you get home.
      Carrot and Coriander is one of my favourites but I have quite a few in my repertoire yet. We all have our ways of making things and I always think that any sort of cooking is a bit like being an alchemist you put a variation of ingredients in and see what happens. Most of mine are the basic recipe with the occasional bit of something else thrown in.


  3. Tasty and yummy! Thank you for sharing this recipe. I’m going to try it.
    I also found a great application on google play sorting all kind of plants with their benefits it's called Herbs Encyclopedia.
    You can read about carrot here

    1. I love cooking with herbs and spices so thank you for the recommendation. Its always nice to find something new to try.
      Thank you for stopping by hope you visit my little blog space again.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.