
Monday 25 November 2019

Friday Night Fisherman's Pie

Did anyone else belong to a generation where upon Friday night was fish supper, regardless of whether this was made at home or bought from the local fish & chip shop?  Certainly when I was growing up this was definitely the case.  If it was a fish & chip night I used to love rock salmon.  I don't even know if you can still get it, but  whatever you had was wrapped in yesterday's newspapers. That wouldn't be allowed these days and who knows whether the printing ink had any ill effects but I'm still here to tell the tale. 

I have always loved any type of fish.   I have a fond memory from child hood of my grandmothers fish pie.  In those days she used to buy cod, salmon, smoked haddock from a little man that used to come around once a week, funny enough on a Friday, in his little van.  These days you can purchase a fish pie mix from the fresh fish counter in the supermarket or in most fish mongers that is already cut in chunks and ready to make your pie.   You will need about 350-400g  fish pie mix depending on how big you want your pie to be. In addition you will want 1kg of Maris Piper potato's  or any potato you know to be good for mash 

So for your shopping list you will need:

For the mash potato topping 

1kg  potato you know to be good for mash, peeled and halved.
a splash of milk
a knob of butter
season with black pepper
a handful of grated cheese to sprinkle over once your pie is constructed
a little grated nutmeg (optional) to grate over the top before putting in the oven.

For the filling

350 - 400g of fish pie mix which should contain  cod, smoked haddock and salmon.  Some people like to add a handful of  prawns to their fish pie but I choose to make it without. 

3-4 spring onions sliced.

 white sauce  (see below)

1 tsp of chopped chives (optional)

1 tsp of Dijon or English mustard

Pulling everything together  

  • I don't think I need to teach my grandmother to suck eggs when it comes to making mashed potato the only thing I would say is it only needs to be a firm mash and not like the fancy chef's like to make it so that its more or less pureed or it will sink into your pie.
  • Preheat the oven to 200C/Fan180C/Gas Mark 6
  • When it comes to making the white sauce you can find the details for that here at the point before it tells you to add the flour to the butter add the sliced spring onions and let them cook for a minute or two to start and soften and then add the flour and continue to follow the steps to making a lump free sauce. Once made I add a tsp of mustard either Dijon or English mustard for a little extra flavor. 
  • Take off the heat and stir in the fish mix and the chopped chives. 
  • Spoon the mixture into an ovenproof dish or individual pie dishes
  • Spoon the potato on top 
  • sprinkle the cheese over the potato
  • Finish off with a little grated nutmeg 
  • Place on the middle shelf of the oven and cook for 25 mins or until golden and bubbling at the edges. 

If you like to batch cook this fish pie definitely lends itself to going in the freezer for another time. If you want to make to freeze don't cook until needed and let it defrost before cooking. 

These days we don't hold to the fish supper Fridays but this is most definitely one of my favourite winter warmers and is lovely served with seasonal vegetables whatever day of the week. 

I hope you get to enjoy it as much as I do. 



  1. We love fish pie! Yes, when I was a kiddie Friday night was always fish and chip night. On the way home from work Mum would call in at 'auntie' Kath's and buy some fish, usually skate, off her son David, who used to fish off the pier. She would skin it, coat it and fry it. The chips were fried in lard and accompanied by tinned processed peas and bread and butter. Those were the days. Best, Jane x

    1. I do like skate wings coated and fried in butter. Not had that for a while may have to have that some day soon. Mine still like marrow fat peas. I can take them or leave them but they are nice with fish & chips.
      They certainly were the days Jane.


  2. Like your grandmother, we had a fish man who would come in his van on a Friday when I was a child so it would always be fish for tea on a Friday. My family aren't fish lovers but I'll cook it occasionally, but I do love fish and chips from the chippy. Your fish pie looks delicious.

    1. You can't beat fish and chips from the chippy can you Jo. D didn't eat dish when we first met but slowly he has come around that not all fish is devils food :-)


  3. A fish van used to call sometimes...we lived deep in the countryside though and this wasn't a regular thing. The only time we ever had 'boughten food' was once a year after the local times have changed! x

    1. Times certainly have changed haven't they. Weekend takeaways seem to be the in thing certainly my son and DIL never seem to cook on a Saturday night its always a takeaway as a reward for all their hard work during the week.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.