
Sunday 22 March 2020

Happy Mother's Day

This beautiful Barn owl is the latest visitor to the farm house.  Its the first one we have seen in the three years since we moved here.  It stopped by for only a short time and then flew off totally free. Right now I wish we were all a Barn Owl or any other bird that can just take flight away from the madness that is our world. 

Here in the UK today is Mothering Sunday and I should of been spending the day with my children and grandson the first time we could be together on mothers day for along time. Instead of which my grandson and his mum and dad are self isolating and  as with the rest of the world we are now all self distancing from one another. 

I didn't want my blog space to be taken over but all week we have had wall to wall Corvid 19 on the news seen the absolute madness of empty shelves in our supermarkets. Asda put out times for the elderly and vulnerable to shop and there were reports that at our local store that there were queues from 6am and when the doors opened there was a free for all of people shoving and pushing to get to shelves to the point where the police had to be called I don't think these people were the elderly or vulnerable.  Although other retailers are making the choice to close our supermarkets are going to remain open its not that we don't have the food its that we can't get it to the stores and onto the shelves quick enough before the locusts descend.  I wonder how long this total madness is going to continue. I called into our local Tesco and although there wasn't much on the shelves there was enough for me to be able to get vegetables for the weekend and bread and milk. When I got to the checkout the cashier was her usual polite self and I just needed to tell her what a fantastic job her and her colleagues are doing at this crazy time.  She said she is hoping that now the school have closed and more people are staying home that things will start and calm down.  I do hope she is right this madness cannot continue for much longer. 

Yesterday I had to have my windscreen replaced on my car. The guys were very polite and were fascinated that I could sit and read my book and knit at the same time. Multi tasking in the extreme they said.  That hour will probably be the most normality I am likely to experience for a while as more and more businesses choose to close until we reach the position that China says it now has.  As for Italy it looks like their battle is to continue a little longer. 

As an NHS worker I am classed as a keyworker and therefore for the time being at least I will continue to get up each morning and drive to my office.  I think most of us have seen the video clip of the nurse who just wanted to pick up a few things from the supermarket on her way home only to find that when she got there the shelves they were bare.  Things are being put in place for keyworkers  and even with that I think the list of those essential keyworkers is bigger than our Mr Johnston thought it would be. 

So in conclusion this isn't quite how any of us thought we would be spending today but look after yourselves and be kind to yourselves and each other whilst we ride this dreadful storm.



  1. Actually, as a novice knitter, I'm impressed that you can knit and read at the same time as well 😂

    Take care xx

    1. I've been knitting a long, long time Eileen. It always fascinates my other half that I can be knitting and watching tv and I'll stop because I know I've gone wrong. I don't know how I know that but I seem to. I think it was when the autoglass man said I reminded him of his mum that made me smile because I forget I am 57 most of the time and when he said that I suddenly felt very old.


  2. I too am impressed by your ability to knit and read at the same time.
    Stay well. X

    1. Multi tasking in the extreme is how the autoglass man put it then told me I reminded him of his mum. In hindsight that was probably quite a compliment as he was a very nice young man and he obviously thinks a lot of his mum.


  3. I'm sorry you're going through all this! If it makes you feel any better, here in Spain it was shopping madness last week, but now things seem to have calmed down in that regard (now there are lines to get into shops, but there is stock). So I hope you will be able to find a more normal shopping scenario soon. Also, I don't know if this is an option for you, but try grocery shops in smaller towns if you can... Much quieter, and more food. I'm sorry you didn't get to spend time with your loved ones, and hope you can see them again soon! Also, I'm quite impressed with your multitasking skills, well done. I hope you have a good week and get as much rest as possible.

    1. Thank you Robin. Now that all but essential businesses/shops have closed and the schools have closed it does seem to be calming down. I have managed to pick up the essentials during the golden hour that they have allocated for keyworkers and our local supermarket is opening at 6am and so far when I have called in en route to work it has been very civalised a stark contrast to last week. I hope it continues to improve for you all in Spain. My friends son is in Barcelona with his partner and they have been sending video's whilst they have been in lockdown. Things can only get better.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.