
Saturday 14 March 2020

Leek & Potato Soup

The weather here in the shire continues to be wet and windy and there doesn't seem to be any sign of Spring arriving any time soon. It seams the country is going a little crazy with all the talk of coronavirus and every time I have been into the supermarkets the shelves are empty of rice, pasta tin foods and toilet rolls. Thankfully there is still plenty of veg available and for those of us from a certain generation it will be going back to basics and making things from scratch. This is nothing new for a lot of us who like to meal plan and batch cook. 

Sometimes the written word does not come easily to my ageing brain. Other times there is so much in there that needs to come out you just don't know where to start,  right now I am some where in the so much to say I can't get it out phase.  For now I thought I would share with you another winter warmer whilst I try and get the filing system sorted out. I would like to share with you one of the easiest and quickest soups to make and it freezes well.

Serves 4 -6

4 medium potatoes diced
1 medium onion diced
2 leeks sliced
2 litres vegetable stock
Tbsp plan flour
2oz butter or 2tbsp of oil

  •  add the butter or if calorie counting the oil to a large saucepan and add the onion, leeks and potatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes until coated.
  • Sprinkle over the tbsp of flour and stir
  • add the vegetable stock 
  • continue to cook until the vegetables are soft 
  • using a blender or hand blender, blend until smooth
  • season to taste

I know the media has to report on the Coronavirus but it does seem to be leading to a mass panic and I'm not sure that will be helpful to anyone.  If you have been affected in any way I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well or at the very least on the road to a good recovery.  

Stay safe one & all



  1. I read the title to your post this morning - then headed off to make a lovely big pot of it! (I am obviously easily influenced.) We love our home made soups in this house, but it is ages since I made this variety, so thank you for that. Stay safe.

    1. Hi Elaine

      I'm glad you're easily influenced. I love it when I write a foodie post and I am left comments to say they have gone and made it. I hope you enjoyed it. I have left overs in the freezer to take for my lunch this week. If we're not put on lock down that is...



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.