
Monday 1 June 2020

Time in the garden and a light bite

Hello my blog land friends. How are you all doing? Here we are at the end of week 10 and entering into week 11 and well there seems to have been a lot of changes over the last few days with some schools returning and some non essential shops being allowed to open.

At the beginning of lockdown I was thinking of all the projects I could get working on and all those I would potentially have finished by the end of the twelve weeks.  Then of course scrubs bags became a big thing in my house and very little else has been completed.  I have now made 100 scrubs bags and will be sending the final batch off to John Scott today and I think as things are starting to settled it's probably time to stop making them now for the time being at least.

One little project I did manage to finish was this little cross stitch for a friend's birthday this week. The kit is Churchgate Gardening Heritage Sampler. It was a gift from another friends for Christmas a couple of years ago and has been patiently waiting in the pile of projects to work on.  When I pulled it out of my project box I had completely forgotten the saying attached to this one.  As soon as I saw it I thought it was just about right in this current climate and I knew that the lady it is intended for is also going to love it. 

The kit comes with two charts, two pieces of aida, a needle and clear instructions and all the silks you need to complete both projects. It also comes with a hoop which you can use to work on your cross stitch but also use as a frame. I added the ribbon and bow and a small white bead to hold it in place.  As there is only one hoop I decided to work on just the one project and save the second one for another time and possibly for another birthday gift. 


We have been spending time in the garden not only enjoying the glorious weather but also having a sort out of flower beds and trying to decide what to do next. Its a very big garden and at times I feel a little overwhelmed by the task but it's nice to see that plants have taken to their surroundings and the bees are getting to enjoy our efforts. 

After my mum died thirty years ago I planted a climbing white rose in the back garden of the house we lived in and I have continued to plant a white climbing rose in every garden of every house we have lived in since.  I also have two very closes friends from school whose mother's played a big part in my life and after they passed away I planted a yellow and pink rose in  memory of them too.  All three are almost in bloom and the smell of the scent from the yellow and pink one is exquisite.


I always thought of myself as a bit of a foodie before lockdown but I have come to realise that I am governed much more by stomach than I would of believed.  It was whilst I was talking to my daughter one afternoon and neither of us could decide what to have to eat she after her shift at work and me after a shift of working in the garden.  We decided to take a look in our respective cupboards and come up with something.  The result was a tuna melt.  We both love tuna fish and invariably have some sort of salad and cheese in the fridge and it takes next to no time to pull together and hit just the right spot after a hard day's weeding and digging.

Prep time: 10 minutes, Cooking time: 5 minutes, Serves: 2

Ingredients from your store cupboard and fridge

100g can of tuna, drained and flaked
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
1-2 spring onions , finely copped
2 thin strips of a bell pepper (a mixture of red, yellow or orange) diced
1 tablespoon of chopped chives
Freshly ground black pepper
Softened butter/margarine
4 slices of white or brown bread
50g grated cheese

  • place the tuna, mayonnaise, spring onions, diced peppers and chives ina small bowl and mix together.
  • Spread the butter/margarine over one side of each slice of bread
  • Spread the tuna mixture over each slice of bread butter side up
  • Place under the medium hot grill for 1-2 minutes.
  • remove from under the grill and add the cheese to the top of the tuna mixture and place back under the grill for 1-2 minutes until the cheese has started to melt. 
  • Now place the second slice of bread butter side down on top of the tuna and cheese mixture. 
  • Lightly butter the top of the sandwich and place back under the grill until the bread is lightly browned. 
  • Turn the sandwich over and butter the top of the sandwich again and place back under the grill until this side is lightly browned. 
  • Serve with salad or chips or just on it's own or may be have all three. 
Of course I am not advocating lunchtime drinking but if it is past the yard arm, as my dad used to say, the glass of white it not essential to the recipe but is definitely well deserved. 

Have you learned anything about yourself over the last 11 weeks? The one thing I have learned about myself is just how  much I touch my face without giving it a second thought. I had never realised just how much until we were told not to and as with everybody else I have been making a conscious effort not to do so.   As we all emerge into our new world over the coming weeks I think we will see a very different one to that of three months ago. I think the one thing that is certain is that this isn't over and we will all still have to continue to be vigilant about our hand washing and social distancing. Its been incredibly hard not to see my big children and not be able to give them a hug when one of us have needed it.  I get updates on my little grandson too and he seems to suddenly be growing up so fast and is going for long walks with his mummy and daddy for his daily exercise. I will see such a big difference in him when I finally get to see them all again.  

Well that's me for now, I best get off to the post office and get my parcels on their way.  Stay safe everyone. 



  1. I too am surprised just how often I touch my face. I'm getting better at avoiding in but let's say it's a work in progress!

    As to what I've learned about myself ... simply that a slower pace of life suits me. Despite all the anxiety and missing family and friends, I am actually much more content and at ease with myself than I have been for years.

    1. That's such a positive Eileen. I really think there will be a lot of positives to come out of all of this. I suppose my main concern is that if people start going about as they did pre lockdown then there will inevitably be a second wave. I think you do right to keep at your slower pace of life and take one day at a time especially if you it suits you better. Take care.


  2. It’s lovely to have flowers in the garden in memory of loved ones especially roses. They give us so much pleasure. One thing lockdown has been good for is time in the garden and all the lovely sunshine has really helped. Your tuna melt sounds quite delicious. You’ve made me hungry just reading about it. Have a lovely week. B x

    1. I do like roses and I know they can be a bit fickle but I don't find the climbers quite so demanding in their care. I tend to have plants that either survive or they will die. There are those plants that don't like where I put them so I end up moving them which is what I will be doing this weekend once I've prepared the space they are moving to. I hope you try the tuna melt my daughter and I love them.


  3. I have two climbing roses in my garden, although I would describe them as rambling, a bit on the wild side... they are scented and just starting to flower. You know, I never ate a tuna melt, somehow the idea of mixing cheese with tuna never appealed to me but seeing your photograph, I realise now that this is definitely missing from my life! One thing that I learned about myself during this lockdown is that I am less resilient than I thought I was. Have a lovely week.

    1. I like things to be a bit on the wild side in the garden I don't like it too regimented. I hope you try the tuna melt I'd like to know what you think. Surely it can't just be me and my daughter who like them. I think we have all come to realize at times we are not as resilient as we think we are but on the whole I think most of us have coped pretty well given the situation. Have a lovely week and hope you get to enjoy your birthday bench when it arrives.


  4. Love your little sampler, what a great way to surprise someone for their birthday. Our roses are out too. One thing I have learnt is that I don't need a job list when I am working from home because everything gets done. Strangely I have written a list tonight because I have been at work in school today and I will be in for three more days and then life gets too complicated for me to remember everything. I have enjoyed my holiday from the huge list.

    1. I am a list person too Jo. I start at the beginning of each week with my food shop list and keep adding to it, where as D will just go and look in cupboards at what he thinks we need and inevitably something will get missed. I also have a list that as I use the last of something it will be added so I don't forget to put it on the main shop list. And these days if things don't get written down the likelihood is something will not get done. As much eldest once said to me you are only little mum and how much information do you think one person can store in a little head. He was only 8 at the time.


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Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.