
Monday 22 February 2021

A weekend project

I cross stitched these beautiful carousel horses two or three years ago but never got around to taking them to the framers. This weekend I was looking for a project and decided that they would look lovely as cushions. Posh cushions obviously that no one will be able to touch or sit against.  I have a spare double sofa bed in my craft room/office and now I can see them every time I work from home or every time I'm in my craft room.   They fit perfectly into a size 18 cushion and the matching material compliments them perfectly. 
They are part of the Fantasy Horse collection produced by Cross My Heart Incorporated. The booklet is possibly out of print now as my copy is twenty or thirty years old but I have seen copies for sale on eBay and Etsy for reasonable money. There are some truly beautiful charts contained within this book and I would certainly love to stitch the  Pegasus and Unicorn. 

It just goes to show that cross stitching is one hobby and collecting charts and kits is an entirely different hobby altogether. I quite often joke with D that I'm not sure I have enough years left to live in order to stitch all the charts in my collection. But then I never admit to him just how many there are and of course all the while I have breath in my body it won't stop me collecting more. 



  1. My posh cross stitched cushions are on my spare bed and no one are allowed to touch them, having said that grand son Will loves one of them and often looks at them and holds it very gently.

    1. Ahh that's lovely. I too have a little grandson but he's not seen these yet due to living a distance away but hoping once the covid restrictions start to lift that I will get to see him soon. Meanwhile I think my daughter has her eye on these cushions.


  2. I so relate to not enough time left to use them all. I have that problem with my yarn, but as you say; it doesn't stop me from buying more. Sometimes you see a particular color or mix of colors and you just have too. Hey it keeps us off the streets, lol. LOVE the cushions, very pretty and the fabric you choose really makes them pop. Hope you're doing well staying safe from this Covid and are able to get your shots soon, if you've not already been successful at doing so.

    1. Thank you Sandy. Fortunately I am of a certain age and a keyworker so I have had my first one and will be having my second in two weeks. My son who has a disability was called for his first jab today which is great as he's in college. Yes our little obsession with all things crafty definitely keeps us out of mischief doesn't it. I have just finished a jacket for my little grandson which I will share once he has received in the post from grandma and I have now cast on a jumper for me which is a rarity in itself but found wool in my stash enough to make a jumper so thought why not.


Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.