
Friday 4 February 2022

A birthday and a new arrival

Hello everyone, how are you?  January sees me turn another year older but not necessarily any the wiser, for which I received my beautiful flowers.  

My lovely knitting group friends took me out for lunch last week to a lovely place called Fika run by brother and sister Ivo and Tia, which is a lovely cafe that serves Swedish food something I had never had before apart from the meatballs at Ikea😀 do they count?

We liked the way it was set out you felt like you were eating  outside even though you were sitting inside. it was very busy but you could still enjoy the ambiance of the place and hold a conversation without having to shout. 

This dish is their Fika Bowl which consists of bang bang sprouts, roast garlic butterbean smash, celeriac and apple remoulade, beetroot pearl couscous, harissa roast butternut squash and spiced seeds. I have to say was delicious 

January was also the  month we have  been eagerly awaiting for the safe arrival of our second little grandson. This is one of the little layette sets that I have been making for his impending arrival.  As some may remember 3 years ago our little Freddie made a bit of an entrance into the world when he arrived at just 26 weeks, he gave us a bit of a scare but thankfully he is now a very lively 3 year old and meeting all his milestones.  This pregnancy seems have been a very long one so how my poor daughter in law has coped I do not know.      

Thankfully our little baby boy finally arrived exactly when he was due and he is absolutely perfect.
This little cross stitch is called 'Fernley The Hatching' produced by Meineck and one of six designs which you can find here. He is stitched on 28ct Britteny evenweave  purchased from Lakeside Needlecraft and uses a mixture of Anchor and DMC threads although I converted to all DMC threads.

My intention was to add his name and date of birth, well I can now add the date of his birth but as yet they haven't  come up with a name so until they do I cannot finish it and take it to the framers so they really need to hurry up and make their minds up as obviously 9 months is not  long enough in which to make a decision. 

Have a lovely weekend whatever you're  getting up to, I will be off for grandma cuddles ad I cannot wait.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.