
Wednesday 24 August 2022

Summer book fest


Yet again time just seems to have gotten away from me over the summer and here we are about to enter into the autumn months of 2022.

Over the summer months I have had a bit of a book fest, well there's nothing nicer than sitting in the sunshine with a good book is there. So what have I been reading during my absence. 

The Seagull -Vera Stanhope series book 8

A visit to her local prison brings DI Vera Stanhope face to face with an old enemy former detective superintendent and now inmate, John Brace. Brace was convicted of corruption and involvement in the death of a gamekeeper and Vera played a part in his downfall. 

Brace promises Vera information about the disappearance of Robbie Marshall, a notorious wheeler-dealer, if she will look out for his daughter and grandchildren. He tells her that Marshall is dead, his body is buried close to St Mary's Island in Whitley Bay. However, when a search team investigates, officer find not one  skeleton but two.

This cold case takes Vera back in time, and very close to home, as Brace and Marshall, along with a mysterious stranger known as the 'Prof', were close friends with Hector, her father. Together, they were known as 'The Gang of Four', and Hector had been one of the last people to see Marshall alive. Vera must confront her prejudices and unwanted memories to dig out the truth, as the past begins to collide dangerously with the present. 

I have now finally completed all nine of the Vera Stanhope series by Ann Cleeves and I am eagerly awaiting the release of the tenth book in the series in September. Whilst the Shetland series is very different to the books by Ann Cleeves, the Vera Stanhope series has for the most part stayed true to the books so it will be interesting to see if the books and the series going forward do the same. Would I recommend - definitely ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Long Call - Two Rivers Series Book 1 - Ann Cleeves

In North Devon, where the rivers Taw and Torridge converge and run into the sea, Detective Matthew Venn stands outside the church as his father's funeral takes place. The day Matthew turned his back on on the strict evangelical community in which he grew up, he lost his family too.

Now he's back, not just to mourn his father at a distance, but to take charge of his first major case in the Two Rivers Region; a complex place not quite as idyllic as tourists suppose.

A body has been found on the beach near Matthew's new home; a man with the tattoo of an albatross on his neck, stabbed to death. 

Finding the killer is Venn's only focus, and his team's investigation will take him straight back into the community he left behind, and the deadly secrets that lurk there. 

The Heron's Cry - Two Rivers Series Book 2 - Ann Cleeves

North Devon is enjoying a rare hot summer with tourists flocking to its coast -line. Detective Matthew Venn is called out to a rural crime scene at the home of a group of artists, what he finds is an elaborately staged murder - Dr Nigel yeo has been fatally stabbed. His daughter Eve is a glassblower, and the murder weapon is a shard of one of her broken vases. 

Dr Yeo seems an unlikely murder victim. He's a good man, a public servant, beloved by his daughter. Matthew us unnerved though to find that Eve is a  close friend of Jonathan. his husband. 

Then another body is found - killed in a similar way. Matthew finds himself treading carefully through the lies that fester at the heart of his community and a case that is dangerously close to home. 


I am an Ann Cleeves fan and her latest novels The Two Rivers series is the new storyline  and follows the life of DI Matthew Venn and his husband Jonathan.  Long Call has been made into a drama series on ITV and so far the series is staying more or less true to the books so it will be interesting to see how this goes going forward. Would I recommend this new series of books - definitely ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Wedding Dress - Dani Atkins

Suzanne is engaged to be married to the man of her dreams - except the lead up to her wedding is beginning to feel more like a nightmare. Can Suzanne uncover the truth about her fiancé ahead of her big day?

Bella's life was on track until the day of the hen party when everything changed. Now she must find the strength to rebuild her future - and decide who she wants to spend it with. 

Mandy's grandmother has fallen in love but her family don't approve.  For her grandmother's dreams to come true, Mandy has a secret wedding plan, and a very special dress to find. 

These are the three strangers who stories are about to be woven together by one perfect wedding dress. 

I have been a fan of Dani Atkins books right from the beginning The Wedding Dress didn't get the best of reviews as there were those that said it was more a book of three short stories rather than her usual style of writing.  In fact I think what was missed about this particular offering from Dani Atkins is that the story is that of the wedding dress and not about the three central characters to the book.  I thought it was very well written and would definitely recommend. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Six Days - Dani Atkins

Gemma knows that she and Finn are destined to be together. They are soulmates. But then, on their wedding day, he never arrives at the church. 

Gemma is convinced Finn wouldn't abandon her like this, even though he has disappeared once before. But back then he had a reason. She feels sure something terrible has happened, but no one else is convinced. Even the police aren't concerned, telling Gemma most people who disappear usually turn up in a week ... assuming they want to be found that is. 

For the next six day Gemma frantically searches for Finn, even though every shocking revelation is telling her to give up on him. Before long, even she begins to doubt her own memories of their love. 

How long can she hold onto her faith in Finn if everyone is telling her to let him go?

Six days is the latest novel from Dani Atkins and I can honestly say there are not many books that make me want to cheat and look at the last page to see how it all turned out before I get to the end but this one was such a page turner that I stayed up way too late reading as I just couldn't leave the story not knowing what was going to happen next.  Definitely worth a read in my opinion. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Betrayals - Bridgett Collins

Two young men, Leo and Carfax, close friends and fierce rivals. A family ripped apart by madness and tragedy. One women, her life built upon a lie, with a mysterious connection to them all. 

Set within what appears to be boarding school/university in France the story unfolds through exerts from a diary written by Leo twenty years ago.  Leo is now back his former academic institution as a disgraced politician seeking sanctuary.  Claire is the only women to of ever achieved the status of Magister Ludi and the most revered teacher of the Grand Jeu. 

Bridgett Collins is well known for her teenage and young adult books and has just entered into the world of adult fiction.  I must admit I was left a little confused by the style of writing and maybe that's because I am in my sixtieth year and can't quite get in touch with my TYA brain anymore.  The storyline felt a little disjointed to me but that is only my opinion others may well think differently. Would I recommend to others?  Only if I was certain they liked this style of writing otherwise probably not.  ⭐⭐⭐

The Other People - C.J. Tudor

Driving home one night, Gabe sees the face of a little girl who he knows in the rear window of the car in front. She mouths one word 'Daddy'

He never sees his five year old daughter, Izzy again. 

The police believe she's dead. But three years later, Gabe still drives the roads, searching for the car that took Izzy, never giving up hope. 

Fran and her daughter, Alice, aren't searching - but running. Always one step ahead of the people who want to hurt them. 

Because Fran knows the truth about Gabe's daughter and she knows what those chasing her and Alive will do if they ever catch them. 

I had this book sitting in my to be read pile for over a year and I would occasionally pick up read the back cover and move onto something else that is until I had no other books on the pile to read.  I can't say it was the best book saved till last but was certainly a good psychological thriller and a very interesting storyline. Would I recommend to read - yes if you like a good psychological thriller. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Well that has been my summer reads. What have you been reading over the summer months?


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Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.