
Monday 27 May 2019

Sugar & Spice & all things nice Snuggle Blanket

Sugar & Spice & all things nice
that's what little girls are made of

Do you remember that saying from your childhood. I came across this photograph of a beautiful snuggle blanket I made for a colleague. It was the first summer we were here and she was expecting her second baby a little sister to her older daughter. 

Having just moved house and still trying to find our feet I didn't really have a lot of time for my crocheting or any other crafting but as I had made her older daughter a blanket I wasn't going to not make one for this little one.  I had boxed all my yarn in those really useful boxes and put all the pinks and lilacs together, all the natural tones together. You get the idea...  I was so glad I had been organised when packing up my yarn as it meant in an instant I could see what colours I had available to me and could quickly see if there was anything I needed to order and quick as I was on a bit of tight deadline to get a blanket made before she was due to go on maternity leave. 

Using a 4mm hook and Stylecraft Special DK, I came up with eight colours Cream, Lavender, Lobelia, Magenta, Pale Rose, Palma Violet, Parchment & Plum. A circle within a square was one of the first blocks I taught myself to make and looks very effective with the colour changes and looks almost like a star in the middle. Made up of 36 blocks from left over wool from previous projects and placed on the diagonal meant if I had more of one colour left than another it didn't matter.  I joined all the blocks together using plum finished off with a simple border of trebles in two rounds of plum, 2 rounds of cream, 2 rounds of parchment, 2 rounds of cream and 2 rounds in magenta and to complete the border a simple slip stitch edge in plum. I don't know how big it was but big enough to use with a pram or a cot, or as a blanket for floor play and there is nothing better than snuggling under a blanket on the sofa to have a nap is there.

These days the girls are coming up to 4 and 2 where did that time go, no longer babies but proper little girls keeping their mum and dad very much on their toes.



  1. Oooohhhh, how beautiful and what delicious colours! The circle in a square looks complicated. It's nice to look back on past projects and the memories they bring back. Best, Jane x

    1. Thank you Jane. The circle within a square really isn't difficult and there is a how to in the hints and tips crochet section if you would like to have a look. I can't believe this little girl is almost 2 already and she's a real little cutie.


    2. I had a look at your hints and tips for the circle in a square and it's all just trebles! I'm definitely going to have a go at that. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! :)

  2. Such lovely colours Mitzi, I enjoyed your blanket story - past and present. It's great that you made a tutorial too, Cathy x

    1. Thank you Cathy hopefully my journey of learning a new skill will help others too and I still have a lot to learn


  3. That's so pretty. There's so many babies out there now enjoying your blankets, that must give you a warm fuzzy feeling. Glad you enjoyed How To Fall In Love Again, I've just started The Girl in the Corner and it looks promising.

    1. Thank you Jo. I'm reading Beautiful Boy at the moment. Its the true story of a fathers struggle to get his son clean of drugs. It was made into a film that was out earlier this year or towards the end of last year. I've only just started reading it but so far its good but makes you thank your lucky stars that your own children haven't gone down this route.



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