
Tuesday 8 October 2019

Yarndale 2019

For all those who are devotees of Yarndale it was the annual pilgrimage to Skipton at the end of September.

As in previous years we set off on our travels on the Friday morning having had a hearty breakfast. This year we decided we would pay the Piece Hall  in Halifax a visit en route to our hotel.  It was a place I knew nothing about until I saw it featured on the Antiques Roadshow during the summer.

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The Piece Hall itself is nestled in the town of Halifax and was lovely even with the rain.  The architecture was magnificent.

No photo description available.The history of the Piece Hall dates back to 1779, when it was built for the trading of pieces of cloth, (woven woolen cloth produced on a handloom). By 1867 the Piece Hall was handed over to the Corporation and from 1871 it was used as a wholesale market and this proved very successful but by the 1920's it was felt that the Piece Hall could be put to better use  other than a wholesale market.  In 1954 the building was given Grade 1 listed status. Over the forthcoming years the wholesale market buildings were removed and restoration work began to improve the infrastructure and services. The Piece Hall officially re-opened in July 1976 and for a time was a bustling centre of activity with many small shops and art galleries but again fell to disrepair until following a conservation and transformation the Piece Hall re-opened in August 2017.  It is now filled with many small shops and eateries all of which are worth paying a visit.  I think there is still work to be done to bring it up to the thriving retail area it once was but this will come in time I am sure. 

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we found a lovely place to eat called The Trading Rooms  recommended by one of the shop vendors. As we had a table booked at the hotel for food in the evening we had the soup of the day and bread roll for lunch.  The soup of the day was goats cheese and potato. I have to say this was a soup I had never had before and I was a little apprehensive as to whether I would like it, but decided I would give it ago.    As it turned out the soup was delicious and the bread was freshly baked in the adjoining bakery what more could you ask for. 

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This year we were booked into the  Craven Heifer Inn at Kelbrook.

I have to say the rooms, the staff and the food were excellent. so much so that we have already re-booked for next year.

We met some lovely people both exhibitors and visitors to Yarndale and spent both evenings there talking all things yarn related. 

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Image may contain: food

We got to meet a group of ladies from Sussex who had never been to Yarndale before and having had the journey from hell on the Friday they were relieved to here that they were most certainly in for a treat.  Having seen them return with many bags I wasn't sure who was going to be left to either walk home or get the train but it was so nice to see that they had, had such a wonderful time and had found time to meet the lovely Lucy of Attic24.

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and waterThe weather it has to be said was atrocious and the rain just kept on coming.  The fields around Skipton were absolutely water logged and I believe there were many areas that were flooded.  Thankfully this was not the case in Skipton.  I believe that the cycling championships were dogged by the rain and from what I saw on the news later in the evening I don't know how they even managed to carry on. 

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The sun did briefly make an appearance Saturday morning as we all waited in line to enter the festival.   They were kind to us when the heavens opened once more and let us queue inside as far as they could before the clock struck 10am and the doors opened once more for what would be yet another great Yarndale festival.

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The bunting was there in all its glory just as it has been in previous years.  This Yarndale marked it's seventh appearance and it still looks as fantastic as ever as you make your way in to the main hall.

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The bears for this years Creative Community Project that have been sent from all over the UK/World were on display in all their glory and for a donation you could name a bear that would go on to find their forever homes with the children rescued by the Mercy Ships.

As always there was an eclectic mix of stall holders who were more than happy to talk about there wares and advise where necessary.  I may just have bought some more yarn home but a Yarndaler never admits just how much they bought do they?



  1. I hope this Yarndaler is going to do a show and tell, I'd love to see what you bought. Glad you had such a great time again, I didn't go last year so I was planning on going this time but didn't manage to get there for one reason or another. I'm a bit disappointed in the Piece Hall if truth be told. Some of the vendors moved out when it was being restored and the last time I went there were still so many empty shops. It's a fantastic building and looks great again now, just a shame that it's not thriving as I'm sure they'd hoped it would be after spending so much money on the restoration work.

    1. Sadly I think the town itself is struggling and from talking to a shop assistant in one of the high street shops they were saying that the rents were pretty high initially so they have had to reduce it to try and entice vendors back in. There seemed to be quite a few shops and they have areas that you can rent to run a craft event or pop up shop. Considering the weather was so atrocious there were quite a few people milling in and out of the shops. I hope it will pick up for the towns sake if its had so much money spent on it. Sadly when you come out of the Piece Hall there were a lot of homeless people sitting in the doorways to keep out of the rain. There was a lovely lady who was walking along giving them cups of tea and a sandwich so she could at least make sure they had had something to eat and drink in such cold weather. Yarndale was lovely again this year with some new exhibitors from previous years which I always think is a good thing to mix things up a bit every now and then. I think some exhibitors didn't come because of the cycle race and a lot of the local accommodation being booked up. It was a good show and I will take some photo's of my purchases and put them in another post.


  2. I have never been to Yarndale and really enjoy reading everyone else's stories. The teddy bears are just wonderful, such a loving gesture.

    1. The teddy bears made a fabulous display. By the Friday before the event they had counted 1807 but there were ladies staying in our hotel who were from Sweden who had bought there's with them so I'm sure they would of got to over the 2000 mark by the end of the show.


  3. I had no idea about Yarndale but it sounds amazing, thank you for sharing! It sounds like you had a lovely time in spite of the weather, and I just love the look of those teddies: I've never seen so many in one place, and it makes it even better that they're made for a good cause. Also, I have to say that my go-to lunch whenever I'm sightseeing and it's cold out, is the local soup-and-bread combo. They're always so hearty and delicious! I'm glad you liked yours... potato and goat's cheese sounds amazing.

    1. Yarndale is amazing Robin. Its grown with each year since it started and with each year its got a bit slicker with getting people in with their pre ordered tickets an hour earlier than those paying on the door, in previous years the queues have caused issues with people falling out about who should be going in first. I think this way stops all that. The stalls were set out better this year too you felt that you could get in to have a good nosey at everything. I think it's been my favourite show so far and I have been going for the last 4-5 years with my friend who is a quilter and sewer rather than knitting and crochet but they have diversified over the years and there are a few fabric stalls included now which not everyone was happy with but there needs to be something for everyone otherwise you don't get the chance to turn a sewer into a knitter. This year my friend has bought a knitting pattern and wool and has embarked on her first jumper with supervision. Her target is to have it finished to wear next year and the way she is going I think she will do it.


  4. It sounds as if you had a good time despite the weather and it's nice that you had a comfortable overnight's stay with what looks like delicious food. The event would be something worth going to. Love the teddy project for a good cause and I'm sure you had a great time browsing and choosing yarn to take home for your own makes.

    1. We did thank you. As Robin said in her comments when we are out and about we tend to go for the soup of the day and a bread roll if that is on the menu its enough to keep you going to you either reach your destination or return home. The food we had all weekend was delicious and I did feel I would have to start that diet when I got home as I felt I had eaten way too much but it was fabulous.


  5. What a wonderful trip. I've never been to Yarndale either, so I'm very envious! I'm glad the rain didn't dampen your spirits. xx

    1. Well at 4ft nothing to start with I don't think there's much chance that I will shrink in the wash. I think part of Yarndale is the atmosphere as well as all the lovely wool and other goods to choose from. You get talking to very interesting people both shoppers and vendors and everyone is always full of creative ideas and advice where needed. Its our escape in the autumn before the madness of Christmas descends and I even bought one or two presents for the ladies of the crafting group I attend which is always a bonus.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.