
Wednesday 25 September 2019

The big autumn clean

Does anyone else have the big autumn clean. You know like the big spring clean only in autumn.  Its funny isn't it how we all have our little idiosyncrasies.  I always feel like September should be the beginning of a New Year rather than in January.   I'm not sure what it is that makes me think that way although come the autumn equinox all the family birthdays are out of the way and with the new school year, even if it is the teens last one it feels like a new beginning of sorts and of course then we are on countdown to Christmas (oops did I mention the C word).    I don't know about anyone else but during the summer months when the sun is in the sky we tend to spend time out and about or in the garden which means that the poor old farm house is left somewhat neglected.  It is only as we approach the equinox that I suddenly get the realisation that the farm house looks more like steptoes yard than our lovely home. D is by his own admission a hoarder of things and these things can end up taking over a large proportion of the house if you let them.  This is partly due to the fact he works from home and at times the house becomes an extension of his office.   Does anyone else have this problem?  Of course we glaze over the fact that I have a lot of crafting paraphernalia around the area where I sit.  I do try and keep it under some sort of control but when you're working on more than one project it can get a little unruly.  It may look like disorganised chaos but I know exactly what stage I am at with each WIP and can always justify the reason it is currently residing where it is.  D probably feels the same about all his piles of things that languish on every free surface. If there is a free surface he can definitely fill it. I did spend a fare bit of time ferrying things into his office, well if it needs sorting he can do it just as well in there as he can the lounge.   

As both D and the teen were out all day Saturday meeting up with some of the teens friends, who are all train enthusiasts, it meant that I could really get to grips with the house. I cleaned from the top to the bottom. I got the hoover and attacked those pesky wispy cobwebs that collect in the corners of the ceilings. Dusted down the skirting boards and architraves. Moved furniture that you never bother to move normally and boy do find things when you do that and not just dust bunnies. Sadly not the winning lottery ticket that had got stuck down the back of the sofa.  

By the end of it all the only thing left to do having got all the washing out on the line and dried during the day, nothing like the smell of freshly dried sheets,  was to work my way through the mass of ironing that had accumulated.  This plan was working fine until there was a sudden tuf  and a plume of smoke but sadly no genie. Poor iron had ironed its last pillow case....  To be fair it was probably 13 years old so had done its job. Just meant that D had to go and purchase a new one on Sunday morning. Which is a lovely shiny new black and silver Russell Hobbs. Lets see if it lives up to the standards of the old Morphy Richards. 

At the beginning of the week the teen  turned the magic 16, I really don't know where the years have disappeared to.  It doesn't feel that long ago that we were wringing our hands with worry that he wasn't walking and wasn't talking but was obsessed the number 8 and the letter B and loved nothing better than to line all his cars up in size and colour order.   Of course it wasn't long before our suspicions that he was on that wonderful spectrum that is autistic spectrum disorder were confirmed, although I'm not sure we are supposed to call it that anymore every five years or so they seem to give it a new name.  Whether or not it still boils down to the same thing that we went on that a little trip to Holland when you thought you were booked to go to Italy.  He does pretty well on the whole and on return to his last year at school he takes over the role of  Head Boy and if you knew our teen that is some achievement. Of course the cake of many guises made another appearance but this time as a vanilla version and as our local supermarket (20 minute drive away) had run out of chocolate finger biscuits it meant we had to go to plan B but the teen was happy with it especially the sparkler candles and it did taste good too. 


Hope the rest of your week is a good one and that whatever you are doing this weekend that you find a bit of time for some well earned R & R. 



  1. We just cleared out the front box room which had become a dumping ground. Nearly everything went, just one or two things we kept. A good clean and now it's become John's computer room ( he was in a corner in the dining room, now he has more room to play! ) Best, Jane x

    1. I think its much better to give them a room where you can. They only clutter up the place otherwise. I have been away for the weekend having cleaned before I left and spent Monday putting the house back together after leaving two males on their own for three days.

      Hey ho.


  2. My hubby has used our dining table as an office for years, and I have a couple of big bags of yarn by my chair in the living room as I'm crocheting a blanket to use up (some) of my stash. We are decluttering though, and that feels good. It's not clutter if you use it, right?
    Happy birthday to your son, and congratulations on becoming head boy. You must be so proud!

    1. When we first moved in together D had to use the dining table as a work space until we got him a desk and that sat in the corner of the lounge. Invariably his paperwork spread back across the dining table until I announced I needed the table back in order to serve up the dinner.
      Thank you for your birthday wishes he had a good birthday and is enjoying being head boy.


  3. Definitely to do with the start of the school year. New uniform, new pens and pencils and a new pencil case, of course. New winter coats, if not in September then soon after. So yes, I understand just what you mean. I always did a good clear out once the children had gone back to school to make room for Christmas toys etc.

    1. I used to love gathering up all my new stationery for school each year. It was probably the only thing I enjoyed about school. Then as an adult and as the children arrived it was the autumn clean I enjoyed the most getting every where spick and span ready for the autumn/winter and of course Christmas.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.