
Tuesday 10 December 2019

Gingerbread loaf & other Christmas ramblings

Image may contain: indoorIts that time again when these little guys get to come out of hibernation. They are my favourite decoration on our tree. We've had them a number of years now and I always look forward to unwrapping them and are usually the first thing I go searching for in the box of decorations and are usually the last thing I place on the tree. 

Image may contain: christmas tree and outdoorThe tree is finally up after the mega clean of the house. I've never known a house to get so dusty and cobwebs, don't get me started on those, they seem to appear from nowhere and a bit like the elves who made the shoes for the shoemaker, you never see them being made. We bought this tree when we lived in our little cottage when it used to take up a whole corner of the living room. Here at the farm house it looks a bit lost, but as its one of those posh ones you see advertised on the tele with the lights already attached that we bought in their sale many years ago I am not going to change it. It always looks better once all the presents are wrapped and under the tree.

I'm starting to feel less sick with panic that I won't be ready this year. I have purchased the baskets to make up the hampers and I've added the finishing touches to the Chutneys  with their little ribbons.  I even found time to make a second batch of the Apple & Red Onion Chutney and the Caramelised Onion Chutney  so we have some for home for those all important leftovers on Boxing Day. The supermarket shopping list is having things added to it daily but there will come a cut off when the bearded one tells me he has booked the delivery slot and that by 10pm the night before its due I need to have added any last minute requirements.

I confess I am one of those annoying people who likes to make a list of the things I am going to buy for the family and be more or less done and dusted by the 1st December. This is not because I am a control freak, okay well may be I am but more that I don't like the mad rush in December and I can't cope with a last minute panic buy of presents and ending up with something and not knowing who I am then going to gift it to. It wasn't so bad when the children were small and part of the Christmas build up was to make their list. Now they are adults they can never come up with any ideas, but then they tell me I'm just as hard to pick a gift for and if they ask me I can never think of anything especially on the hoof.  I do try and note down something I like so that when they ask me I can make suggestions but they haven't asked this year so it will all be a total surprises which is equally lovely unless of course they think I've spent too much time on the naughty step this year to warrant a gift from Santa. 

I have two pairs of snugly socks already made and ready to gift with a third pair currently on the needles. These two pairs are both made using Drops Fabel 75% wool & 25% polyamide blend. The pair to the left are made in Lavender Print (904) with the contrast colour Off White (100) and the pair to the right are made in Sea Mist Print (910) with a contrast colour of Royal Blue (108).

My New Years resolution is to finally write up this and the other sock patterns I use instead of them being lodged in my ageing brain.

I used to love the build up to Christmas, starting with the making of the Christmas cake only be told by my children when they were adults that they don't actually like it. These days instead I make my grandmothers iced tea bread and her gorgeous gingerbread loaf. Both of these just remind me of my grandmother she was a superb baker.  At this time of year and at the end of a busy day especially around Christmas there is nothing nicer than sitting down with a nice cup of tea and a slice of one of her cakes. I think it was through  my grandmother that I developed my love of most things ginger and I seem to have passed it onto at least one of my sons. 
From your Nigella cupboard under the stairs you will need:

115g (4oz) soft brown sugar
85g (3oz) butter or margarine
175g (6oz) golden syrup
225g (8oz) plain white flour
A pinch of salt
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsps ground ginger
1 egg beaten
150mls (1/4 pint) milk

Pre heat the oven to 170C/325F/gas mark 3

  • Grease or line a 2lb loaf tin
  • Place the sugar, butter and golden syrup in a saucepan and heat through gently until melted and the mixture has come together. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.
  • Sift the flour, ground ginger and baking powder  and salt into a bowl and mix together. Now make a well in the centre.
  • In a small bowl or jug mix together the egg and milk.
  • Add the milk and egg to the flour mixture followed by the melted mixture
  • Using a wooden spoon stir the mixture together thoroughly until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into the prepared loaf tin.
  • Bake for 1 - 1 hour 15 minutes or until lightly brown or when tested with a skewer it comes out completely clean. 
  • Allow to cool in the tin for a few minutes before turning out onto a cooling rack.

I have to admit that this gingerbread is just as nice warm with custard or ice cream as it is cold with a nice cup of tea or may be even something a little stronger it is Christmas after all and possibly well deserved after all your hard work of pulling off yet another festive extravaganza. Whichever way you choose should you wish to have ago I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.



  1. Your tree looks lovely. I buy gifts through the year whenever I see something I like and who'd it's be for. I tend to buy practical things I know will be used and not just stuck in a drawer or cupboard. The socks are perfect gifts. Did the sock bands come with the yarn? John lurves Nigella. Best, Jane x

    1. Thank you Jane. I can buy things for the girls throughout the year its the men folk in the family that are the problem as I never know what to get them, and they never know what they want. The bands are home made too. These are printable off the internet and just finish the socks off perfectly.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.