
Saturday 7 December 2019

Apple & Red Onion Chutney

Here as promised is the last of the trio of chutneys I have made for the hampers this year. This is the Apple & Red Onion version.  Once again if like me you do not have a Nigella cupboard under the stairs then you will need:-

1kg  red onions, thinly sliced
6 tbsps of light brown sugar
6 tbsps of cider vinegar
2 apples. I  have used pink ladies but you can use whatever sweet apple of your choice.
4 tbsps of olive oil

This quantity makes 800mls or 4 x 200mls jars.

  • Add the olive oil to a heavy based pan and add the sliced red onions. 
  • Stir in the soft brown sugar
  • Let the onions gently cook for about 20 minutes on a medium heat until they start to soften.
  • Meanwhile core and peel your apples. Now depending on whether you like a bit of a crunch to your chutney or not depends whether you fine dice your apples or grate them. 
  • After 20 minutes of cooking add the diced apple  and cook for a further 20 minutes if you have chosen to grate your apple you will need to wait until the onions and sugar have cooked for 40 minutes before adding.
  • Add the cider vinegar and cook for a further 20 minutes or until the chutney is thick & sticky.. 
  • To check if the chutney is ready drag a wooden spoon across the bottom of the saucepan and if it is ready it should take a few seconds to re-cover across the pan. 
  • Spoon into sterilised jars, add your wax disc, allow to cool and seal with the lid.

I have so enjoyed sharing these chutney recipes with you and I know there are some that have already had ago at the Christmas Chutney recipe.  Some have asked if it is too late to make the chutneys now with just over two weeks until the big day.  It may be a little late for Christmas chutney but if you are having family and friends around for the New Year celebrations you could just sneak in with a batch this week, equally if you are making them to gift in a hamper the chances are they won't be touched until well after Christmas as we know we all over indulge on the day so even Christmas chutney would still be ok to make even at this stage. I have in the past made both the Apple & Red Onion and the Caramelised Onion chutney with just two weeks to go. In fact having made the chutneys for the hampers last week I had enough of the Christmas chutney to make a jar for home over the festivities but not of the Apple & Red Onion or the Caramelised Onion chutney so I will be making both again  this afternoon.  So yes they do mature with age but you can make these two this week and they will still be delicious whatever you put them with.  The Apple & Red Onion chutney equally goes well with those sausage baguettes, cold or hot meats and of course anything that involves cheese. 


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