
Thursday 5 December 2019

Caramelised Onion Chutney

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

Traditionally our Christmas tree usually goes up the first weekend in December and it just so happens that the 1st December was on Sunday this year.  Did my tree go up?  No it did not.  Its amazing the things your children remember from when they were growing up that they then carry into their adulthood.  Putting the Christmas tree up the first weekend in December is one of them.  So over the weekend I received photographs of their trees all twinkly and bright but because I had been so busy making the chutneys that are to be gifted I ran out of time.  So quite sheepishly I had to confess that I hadn't actually got around to putting my tree up yet.....  I couldn't tell them why because the chutney's are to go into hampers that I am planning as part of their Christmas gifts.  And in  my defence I had been busy with our tree in the Festival of Trees.

Caramelised onion is one of my favourite chutneys to make and is so easy which is great for me.
It makes approximately 1200mls or 6 x 200ml jars.

From your Nigella cupboard or on your shopping list you will need:

1.5kg Onions, thinly sliced
3 garlic cloves, crushed
300g dark muscovado sugar
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
1/2 tsp paprika
about 1 inch or 1 tsp of grated fresh ginger
200mls of res wine vinegar
3tbsp balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt

  • Using a heavy based saucepan heat the oil and fry the onions over a medium heat for 25, stirring occasionally until the onions have softened but not browned and should have reduced by about half. 
  • Increase the heat and add 3 tbsps of sugar and cook for a further 10 minutes until the onions have started to colour. 
  • Reduce the heat and add the remaining sugar and other ingredients. 
  • On a medium heat, keep the saucepan uncovered, and allow the chutney to simmer on a gentle bubble for 30-40 minutes or until the chutney has reduced and thickened to a dark caramel colour. 
  • Stir occasionally to make sure that the chutney is not sticking on the bottom of the saucepan. 
  • To check if the chutney is ready, drag a wooden spoon across the bottom of the saucepan, it should taken a few seconds for the juice to re-cover the bottom of the pan. 
  • Using sterilised jars, spoon the hot chutney into the sterilised jars whilst still hot, seal with a wax disc allow to cool seal and cool. 
  • The chutney will keep up to 6-12 months unopened. 
  • Once opened I have kept in the fridge for up to 3 months. 

Caramelised onion chutney is delicious on sausages whether as part of a full English breakfast or on sausage sandwich, (baps, rolls or baguettes). A great addition to cold cuts, cheese scones, cheese & biscuits and as a starter alongside pate and toast. I have also been known to add a tablespoon or two to gravy. The possibilities are endless.


  1. Another brilliant recipe - I've already bookmarked it. I spent yesterday afternoon making your Christmas Chutney recipe for my girls' hampers. I halved the quantities and it made enough for 2 jars which was perfect. Having tasted the scrapings from the preserving pan though, I wish I'd made more! It's delicious even before it matures. I've taken a photo, so will credit you with the recipe in my next blog post. Happy preserving! xx

    1. Ahh thank you so much. I do love sharing ideas on my little blog space and its so nice when somebody makes them and loves them as much as I do. The caramelized onion is my favourite and I will be making more this weekend to have over Christmas as I only made enough for the hampers and I know I am going to want more for over Christmas. I've got one more recipe to write up which I will do over the next couple of days and that is for apple & red onion chutney and then you'll have the trio.


  2. I love caramelised onion anything, and your chutney sounds wonderful, probably too late for me to make it now but I will save the recipe to try another time if you don't mind.
    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog to today x

    1. Hi Maggie I have made the caramelised onion with just two weeks to go. In fact I will be making more today as I only made enough for the hampers last week and it is so delicious there is a possibility that someone wouldn't get their jar if I don't have any for home.


  3. Those hampers are going to be very well received, I'm sure, full of lovely home made goodies. They'll be very spoilt. I've just read your review of A Million Dreams, I think I shall have to download this to my Kindle.

    1. I hope they will be as a lot of thought has gone into them. This year I have only made the chutneys everything else will be shop bought, but may be next year I will be more organised and make more home made goodies to put in them. Maggie has looked at A Million Dreams on amazon and apparently it is a free download to amazon unlimited or 99p. The hardback I think is around £14 if buying as a gift.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.