
Monday 2 December 2019

Christmas Chutney

Its that time of year again when we start thinking about what we can give as gifts for Christmas to our nearest and dearest.  One of my sons has always been hard to buy for and every year I ask what he would like and he never knows.  Its even harder now that they are adults as they have their own money and when they want something they buy it for themselves. Then as your children grow up, leave home and find their partners your family suddenly grows and then you have more people to try and think of what to buy for. I don't seem to have a problem thinking of things for the girls in the family but the boys oh boy do I need help with the boys...

They've had  hat & scarf sets  hand knitted by yours truly which I'm happy to say they are still wearing but yet again I find myself at a loss as to what to do for this year. Then it came to me, I could make up a Christmas hamper with some speciality cheeses and my home made chutneys.

With just three weeks until Christmas it meant getting a bit of a wriggle on.  Christmas Chutney is best made at least a month before Christmas so this weekend our kitchen has smelt of Christmas that's the only way I can describe it.

It is probably one of the easiest Chutneys I make in as much as you literally just put all the ingredients in a heavy based saucepan and let it do its thing.

Now I know we all have a store cupboard like Nigella don't we? where upon when you decide you want to make something you go to the cupboard under the stairs, where you won't find Harry Potter but a whole array of wonderful ingredients just waiting for you. No I don't have one of those either so on your shopping list you will need.

1lb of cooking apples which you will need core, peel and dice
750g of mixed dried fruit
grated zest of one orange
220mls of cider vinegar
340g light brown sugar
2 tbsps of ground allspice

Makes approximately 1200mls or 6 x 200ml jars.
  • In a heavy based saucepan add the mixed fruit, diced apple and grated orange zest.
  • Stir in the allspice, cider vinegar and sugar.
  • Heat gently, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Bring to the boil then simmer for approx 45 minutes.
  • Stir occasionally towards the end of the cooking time as it may start to stick as the chutney thickens.
  • Ladle into sterilised jars whilst the jars and the chutney are still hot
  • cover with wax disc and allow to cool before adding the lid to seal.
  • Store in a cool place until needed and in the refrigerator once opened for up to 3 months.
  • Unopened it should last up to six months. 
Christmas chutney is great with cold buffet or leftover turkey and chips on Boxing Day , but  equally it is nice on Christmas day as an alternative to cranberry sauce with whatever choice of meat or vegetarian option you may be making this year. 

Now some folk will collect jars over the months leading up to Christmas and have a whole eclectic mix but my ordered brain tells me my jars have to be uniformed so the jars came from Hobby Craft as did the labels.  The wax discs came from The Range but are widely available on the internet. The toppers I made using Christmas fabric I had in my stash and held in place with an elastic band.  Don't they look the bees knees.  They actually remind me of when I was a child and the nativity play at school and the shepherds always seem to have a tea towel on their heads held in place with string, that and a doll my daughter had who had a mop cap as part of her outfit. 

This is the first of three chutneys I've made over the weekend so if you're interested in an Caramelised Onion or an Apple & Red Onion Chutney watch this space. 


  1. Boys are a nightmare when it comes to buying gifts. Girls are sooooo easy! I love your little chutney pots. I made my daughter a hamper several times - all the unusual things that look delicious but you probably wouldn't buy for yourself. Another idea is a little bag of vouchers for a home-made cake every month for a year (or maybe twice-monthly).

    1. Oh I'm glad its not just me then Eloise and D is just as hard to buy for although he has come up with a few ideas this year. I got some lovely flavoured truckles of cheese from the craft show at the NEC to put with the chutney's and other bits and pieces that as you say you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself so I hope they will appreciate the sentiment if not the effort that has gone into put everything together.


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Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.