Raspberry Coulis

Panna cotta and raspberry coulis

To make your raspberry coulis you will need 

200g Raspberries fresh or frozen
3 tablespoons of sugar
2tbsp of water
1 tbsp of lemon juice

  • Put all your ingredients except the lemon juice into  a microwavable dish.  The amount of time you will need to microwave your raspberries will depend on whether you are using fresh or frozen. Frozen raspberries will take about 3 minutes where as fresh will take less time.  I tend to use fresh and microwave for 2 minutes then check to see if the raspeberries have started to pop and release their juice.  
  • Remove from the microwave and add the lemon juice and stir. Now add to a food processor or use a hand blender to pulse but only gently as you do not want the seeds to split or you will end up with a very grainy sauce.  Now pass through a sieve to get a smooth coulis.  
  • Now you can  drizzle your coulis across the top of deserts such as panna cotta, cheese cake or ice cream.


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