Saturday 12 May 2018

Bank Holiday gorgeousness

Last weekend was a Bank Holiday here in the UK and it was a scorcher, which is virtually unheard of as usually a Bank Holiday means a 3 day weekend and 3 days of rain.  The trouble with getting up at stupid O'clock to go to work means that even on a day off you still wake up at stupid O'clock and nine times out of ten you can't get back to sleep.  I usually use this time to enjoy a cup of tea and a chapter or two of my latest read.  I started my weekend off with catching up on blog reading and writing of a couple of the recipes I promised to post before the rest of the house started to surface. 

I had big plans of using the extra time off to work in the garden. A stop off at a local garden centre for provisions, which included stopping at the restaurant for a full English breakfast and we were all set. I had started creosoting the gates, fences and garage doors the weekend before and was eager to get the rest finished.  

The bearded one said I was like a women on a mission and I must admit by Monday afternoon with four fences, eight gates and the garage doors completed, I was shattered but happy in the knowledge that it won't need doing again for another two years. The garden here is a definite work in progress, apart from three trees at the back there was nothing here a complete blank canvas, so I look forward to sharing this journey with you. 

During our journey you will notice a number of items that came with us from The Willows. This little bee wind chime was a gift from Jo Through the keyhole and he now hangs in the courtyard here at the farm house.. 

Along with the real thing that are loving the Rosemary at the moment.

And this year it would appear we have our little ground bees back in residence. I never knew these existed until we moved here last year and found their burrows in another area of the garden. Having contacted the Bee Conservation Trust they told us that they are harmless the queens will burrow under the soil to look after their young with the occasional siting of a drone flying around the burrow. They stayed over the summer and then just disappeared. 

The boys enjoyed the sunshine they can be real sun worshipers but equally know the best places to lie in the shade when it gets a little too hot for comfort. I love this shot of Buster he is a really photogenic boy.

Of course even when you are working out in the garden all day you need to keep your energy levels up. My Grandmother's Tea Bread continues to be a big hit both at home and at work. Its a great energy boost and good brain food, and as it contains fruit I tell people it is part of your five a day. This week I treated my colleagues to Ginger and Marmalade Loaf which was equally well received.  Whenever we are planning to work on the garden for the day I always try and have something prepared in advance for dinner that evening, as our nearest takeaway is a half hour drive away. To me there is nothing worse than having to start preparing a meal when all you want to do is get a shower and chill out in your PJ's. With the nice weather comes eating alfresco and one of our favourites for this time of year is vegetarian tart with salad and lemon tart for desert.

 And of course there is always a little time for relaxing with a little bit of crochet and a glass of something chilled whilst watching the sun go down.

Over the past few weeks I have received some lovely comments for which I am very grateful. I would like to welcome those of you who are new to Lazy Days & Sundays. You all know the time it takes to put a post together and the thrill you get when you see complimentary comments encouraging you to continue doing what you do so a big Thank You to you all.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend



  1. A lovely post. Well done on all your garden work and I love that photo of Buster with his wonderful orange eyebrows. Great news about the ground-nesting bees, they aerate the soil too so are very good for your garden x

  2. He is a rather handsome boy and even has a bit of mustache but you can't really see it in this photo. Its a lot cooler today here so I've not seen the bees out today I find them fascinating.


  3. A lovely post Mitzi and didn't you make the most of the weekend! A bit of good weather and it's surprising what we manage to accomplish.
    I love your bee wind chime - that smile! X

    1. We really did Jules I went back to work for a rest... I do like wind chimes but it can be a little windy here as we are up on a ridge but I just bring them in doors to keep them safe as I lost an owl one in a storm a few years ago and not seen one like it since.

      I hope you had a good weekend too.


  4. Hooray for having a great Bank Holiday!!!!!!

    I know we tend to wake up at the same time, weekdays and days off. But actually, it is said to be more healthy, that way. Even though one might want to sleep later.... It's better to have sleep patterns, stay set.<--I know, "Polly-anna-ish"! -grin- You still want to sleep late, on days off!

    Buster is precious!!!!!! Oh that face!!!!

    I do love wind chimes! Have another one, which husband (also Bearded One!) is to try to put up for me. :-) Right outside the patio door. So I can hear them.

    I'm not even going to mention your goodies! -pout- I am trying to stay away from such, to lose a bit of weight, for health. Don't want to look at such deeeeeeeeliciousness!!!! >,-)

    Bad enough, that the book I am reading, relays every meal eaten by the book characters. -sighhhhhhhhhh- :-))))))))

    1. That must be it I loved Pollyanna as a child lol. I have four cavaliers each with their own personalities and gorgeous faces.

      I think there will be more wind chimes going in the garden too.

      Iwon’t mention the other goodies ��

  5. Wasn’t it a gorgeous bank holiday and so well needed. Glad you had the extra time to do all your gardening and baking. It makes everyone so much more cheerful to have a little sun. B x

    1. Unfortunately this weekends not so great weatherwise although the sun is trying to appear this morning we had a lot if rain yesterday but it was needed.


  6. I can't remember the last time we had such a gorgeous Bank Holiday weekend. Well done for getting all that creosoting done. Your baking looks delicious. Hurray for the mining bees too - I only found out about them a few years ago. My daughter and I had gone on a walk and a picnic and noticed little holes at the edge of a field with little bees inside. So cute. Love the photo of Buster! xx

    1. The weathers not been so good this weekend it rained most of yesterday but the plants needed it at least it waited until i’d got all the clothes dried and off the line. I do love bees in the garden and we seem to have lots of different ones this year.

  7. It was wonderful to have such gorgeous weather for the bank holiday, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's much the same at the end of the month when the next bank holiday comes around. You certainly made the most of it and got plenty done. How lovely that you still have the wind chime after your move, I've got one which my mum and dad bought me somewhere, I packed it away for winter a couple of years ago and haven't come across it again since. It'll turn up eventually. Awww, Buster is a handsome boy. It's Archie's eighth birthday today, he got some presents this morning. We took him for a hair cut a couple of weeks ago, he usually just has a trim as I like to keep his long hair but the woman absolutely scalped him and actually, I really like it. I think he felt better for it in the warm weather too. That last photo is fabulous, how lovely to sit outside with a glass of something chilled, a bit of crochet and a spectacular sunset.

  8. I’m hoping for another good bank holiday too Jo I’ve still got plants to put out but it’s been a wet weekend here this weekend. We started getting the boys cut short about six years ago and they do prefer it they’ll be due to go and see Debbie the groomer again soon. I don’t think I put my wind chime out much at The a Willows as it used to get too windy there but it’s out most of the time here,


  9. It was an amazing bank holiday, as you say a rarity in the UK! Crochet, wine and alfresco food what bliss! I'm going to have to investigate your recipes more they look delicious!

  10. Ahh thank you Sarah you're now in my list of blogs that I follow too so I won't miss your updates with your stitching. I've got lots of things to share just not enough time to post them at the moment but will get there eventually. There will be more recipe's going on as and when I get the chance to type them up.


  11. A handsome dog indeed. It sounds like a great weekend, very productive with lots of good things to eat - my favourite sort of weekend, especially when the sun's shining. A nice cold drink and some crochet in the sun looks like perfection.

    1. It was certainly a packed weekend and lots of things were achieved which always makes me feel better. I've got so many crafting projects needing attention too but the time just seems to slip away CJ I'm sure your household is not different. I sometimes wonder how I have time to fit in work as well. The sun is out again today and I shall be stuck in the office but maybe I will be able to enjoy the sunset this evening with a nice glass of wine.



Thank you for stopping by today I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and may be a biscuit or slice of cake too. Please leave a comment, I do read every single one and will reply to you all as soon as possible.

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